My purpose on the planet is to first and foremost take care of my own vessel so I may be of service to others. I believe it is our birthright to be healthy and fulfilled in our lives. I feel a deep calling to help guide others to heal themselves and find their way back to their soul essence, so that they’re able to tap into their own innate gifts and shine bright, to live the lives of their dreams, or help awaken their inner fire and teach them how to dream again.
The term ‘Healer” is a misnomer. I believe we all have the ability to heal ourselves, and one of the Keys to healing is Knowing Thyself. In my work, I help my clients explore their inner world so they can come home to themselves and find true inner peace in the process. My purpose is to facilitate the healing and guide my client through a personal discovery process.
Simply by being human, our experiences, and the emotions attached to those experiences, get stored in our psyches (minds) and our bodies. Sometimes the experiences are even traumatic, so we start to close off to life as a form of protection. We start to put on masks of who we think we need to be in the world, it's a form of survival.
These experiences are unavoidable, and they are part of being human. The challenge in life is to grow beyond these survival skills to find our way back to our true essence. To learn how to be pure and authentic in your expressions in life.
The masks and survival skills might serve a purpose when we know no other way, but as you heal you will develop new tools and ways of being in your life and you’ll find the old patterns will start to shift. As you learn to know yourself and develop new habits, the old survival patterns will fall away. You might even start to see how damaging they have been to your relationships, and that's OKAY! It's all a process of non-judgemental self-discovery and growth.
I would love to work with you if you would like to rediscover your true essence and shine a light on your shadows to heal and LIVE LIFE fully.
You don’t need masks, you are perfect, whole, complete, and lovable just as you are!
~Taffy Rae
That all humans have a free agency to act upon will.
That all humans have all the answers and all the knowledge that they need for their earthly mission.
That each human is his or her own best teacher.
That all humans are good in their hearts and in the very essence of who they are.
That by joining together in the service of and for the Light we can help the overall situation of the human condition and help the human race to develop towards a better future.
That the tools and methods used in my sessions are Holy and will help those who seek the Light to develop as individuals and become more in the Light and therefore have less resistance to the Light.
I Believc