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Benefits of life activation may include:

  • Clears Family and Genetic Karmic Patterns

  • Strengthened Immune System and Response

  • Relief from Anxiety and Depression

  • Shifts Energetic Structure

  • Increased Vitality, Clarity and Sense of Purpose

Also includes a 1-month supply of Furificato and Crystalis - a vibrational elixir that will assist in the facilitation in the energy clearing that began with this session.

Benefits of Jikiden Reiki include (but are not limited to):

  • Stress relief

  • Chakra balancing

  • Release of stagnant energy

  • Emotional healing

  • Alignment with your higher self

  • Alignment with your highest potential

  • Mental and physical clarity

  • Overall sense of peace

  • Stronger Connection to intuition

  • Personal Empowerment



Every individual session could feel/be different every time. Occasionally, intuitive information may come through and be shared, usually after the session.

Benefits of emotional cord cutting may include:

  • Great Release

  • Lightness

  • Tired

  • Nauseous

  • Lightheaded

  • Rush of Energy

  • Readjustment of Relationships

Benefits of aura healing may include:

  • Stronger Energetic Boundaries

  • Increase Resistance to Toxic Energy

  • Extra Protection from "Energy Vampires"

  • Increased Energy

  • Heal from Stress & Over-Exhaustion

  • Feel More Balanced

  • Dissolve Discomfort/Pain

  • Increased Radiance

  • Immune System Boost

  • Increase Body's Recovery Rate

Benefits of crystal healing may include:

  • Grounding

  • Relieve Mental and Emotional Distress

  • Boost Physical Healing

  • Release of Negative Energy

  • Increased Sense of Calm

Benefits of crystal reading may include:

  • Confirmation of Your Choices

  • Encourages Energy Focus

  • Access to Blind Spots

  • Connection to Higher Self

  • Release Energy Blockages

  • Bring Balance Back to Your Life

In Person Services
Aura Healing

There are energetic cords that connect us to everyone in our lives, past and present, through which people can “pull” on your energy, leaving you feeling tired and off-center.  Emotional Cord Cutting disconnects these emotional cords so you stop losing energy to other people – especially to people who are no longer part of your life like ex-partners, ex-coworkers and bosses, etc., or who you feel “suck you dry”.  After the Emotional Cord Cutting, you’ll feel a strong sense of freedom, liberation, and refreshment.

Emotional Cord Cutting

Negative energies and influences can create holes in the aura. This healing modality finds and gently fills in these holes with light increasing mental capacity, clarity, brings more energy and light, helps to protect against further damage and gently repairs and heals the aura.

30-45  Minute Session $75

30-45  Minute Session $75

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Life Activation

Have you had a sense that there is something more you could be doing in life? Perhaps you have a passion you have grown apart from or a talent or gift you stopped using when life got in the way? Or maybe you have just lost the zest you once had for life. This typically happens when we have let years of worldly influences shape how we “should” be living or have slipped into living the daily grind. We simply lose touch with our soul essence.

This is the 22-strand DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self! While enabling you to bring in and anchor more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, this Life Activation also empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrevealed or forgotten talents and abilities and gives you more vitality and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns.


In addition to the Life Activation itself, this session also includes several energy alignments to help you achieve a sense of peace and connection between your mind, body and spirit. 

  • Crown Cap Removal

  • Central Core Balancing

  • 16 Lotus Petal Awakening

  • Elemental and Magnetic Line Balancing

  • Chakra Balancing

  • Negative Crystal Removal

  • Brief Reading

1-1.5 Hour Session  $250

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Jikiden Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese healing modality that promotes peace and relaxation by channeling of universal energy through the hands and into the body to support health by clearing blockages and facilitate self-healing.  The practice of “laying of hands” has been used as a form of energy healing across the world and throughout human history.  Reiki can be received in person or via distance healing.  The practice can also be applied to oneself, for example through the personal daily practice of reiki meditation.

Stress, emotional pain, and old trauma can be held within our energy bodies for years, manifesting into physical, mental, emotional, and/or energetic issues.  Working with the chakras (the body’s energy centers) you will feel a sense of calm and ease and release of tension.  Root causes and energy blockages can be cleared.  It will always be exactly what you need at the time, and every session might feel different.


Jikiden Reiki is different from other forms of reiki due to its roots in Japanese tradition.  Unlike Western versions of reiki, Jikiden does not use any new-age concepts or elements. Instead, it focuses on the traditional teachings from the early 20th century in Japan.  This includes focusing on energy healing through touch, as well as meditation practices and mindfulness techniques.

Hour Session         $100 

3 Session Package   $265

Session Package   $525

Twin reader crystals create a link between the reader and receiver to give a deep insight into past, present and future energies that are affecting the receiver.  This reading has been known to bring a great deal of clarity and healing to the receiver while providing empowering guidance on the best course of action.

Crystal Reading
Crystal Healing
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Crystal healing offers a number of different modalities that can help you heal in many different areas.  Using the power of the mineral kingdom, you can relieve mental and emotional distress, boost physical healing, and become more grounded.  These healings empower you to heal old and new wounds while stepping into a pure mind to increase energy flow into the body, bringing in more good fortune and a general state of well-being.

30 Minute Session $75

30 Minute Session   $75 

1 Hour Session         $125

3-1 Hour Sessions    $300

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Gridding & Sealing

Negative or stagnant energy can be held in spaces as well as in your own body. This can affect how we feel in our own home or business space.


I perform a combination of space clearing, healing and sealing techniques that invite in light positive flow of energy and space protection. Feel better in your own home or workspace.


Using Smudging and clearing with sage and holy water, Gridding and Sealing using Sacred Geometry (a Solomonic Lineage Tool), Reiki Blessing and Protection.

Assorted Crystals
Crystal Gridding

Clear and Protect your home or workplace with Crystal Gridding. This

is a Solomonic Lineage tool, handed down through an unbroken lineage of teachings and healings that can be traced back over 3,000 years. Crystals will be hung up near the ceiling to stay, inviting in abundance, protection, divinity, inspiration, manifestation, and pure light healing energy.

...for a free consultation or inquiries

Prices Vary

...depending on travel time

and space size.

A simple, rewarding method for cultivating mental tranquility.  The Max Meditation System was developed by Dr. Gudni Gudnason.  Gudni is the Solomonic lineage Key holder for the Modern Mystery School.  He drew from his extensive studies with prominent teachers in India and Tibet, and his studies in psychology and neural linguistic programming, fusing modern and ancient techniques together to create a system that is designed to work specifically with the busy western modern day mind.  Meditation can bring you peace from the chaos and gain true mind control.  These cluttered thoughts are stopping you from living your best life.

Join me for a fusion of ancient techniques of yoga and mind acrobatics, mixed with modern techniques of psychology and NLP, making this the most effective system to reduce your stress and pain, enhance your energy, vitality, well-being and so much more.


Meditation is universally acknowledged for its many health benefits.  The Max Meditation System™ builds on those benefits by:


  • Working with a trained practitioner who will guide you through the process with ease


  • Deepening your relaxation through a process designed to soothe your mind


  • Addressing the physical, mental, and emotional components of your mental restlessness


  • Enhancing spiritual insight and connection by reducing the negative thoughts in your head

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Max Meditation

Session Times Vary    $20-40 (Sliding Scale) 

Benefits of space gridding may include:

  • Clears Energy

  • Stores & Directs Energy

  • Amplifies Your Intentions

  • Provides Protection

  • Implements Boundaries

  • Supports Manifestation

  • Helps Create Clarity & Direction

Benefits of crystal gridding may include:

  • Strengthens Focus

  • Helps Achieve Your Goals

  • Directs Energy More Effectively

  • Provides Guidance

  • Improves Cognition, Focus, Memory and Peace of Mind

  • Improves Clarity of Ideas

  • Improves Meditation

Benefits of practicing Max Meditation System™ may include:

  • Inner Peace, Positivity, & Hope

  • Diminished Stress Response

  • More Focus & Less Monkey Mind

  • Deeper, more Restful Sleep

  • Clearer Thought Processes & Decision Making

  • Enhanced Intuition & Self Awareness

  • Reduced Pain in Body, Mind, and/or Spirit

  • Increased Productivity & Energy

  • Greater Emotional Stability & Centeredness

  • Deepened Connection to Self and Spirit

  • Greater Memory Recall and Brain Function

  • More Joy and Fulfillment from Life

  • and More!

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Reiki can be sent to a person or a situation from a distance. I anchor and call in the healing Reiki energy for you or you situation, send it up into the cosmos to be directed through God, your angles and your guides, what healing energy is meant for you to receive. You don’t have to be doing anything in order to receive the healing but having Enkaku sent while you are sleeping can result in waking up feeling refreshed, rested and with more balanced energy.

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Energy and Chakra Clearing

Sometimes we just feel “off”, maybe you notice you’re more emotional, overly reactive, or just not feeling yourself. When the Chakras are out of balance our energies can appear in excess or blocked. Each of the 7 Chakras have a connection to various areas of our lives such as money, home, relationships, self-expression etc. This clearing and balancing can help to repair your aura and clear out any stagnant energy that is blocking your Chakra system from the free flow of Chi.

Benefits of crystal healing may include:

  • Grounding

  • Relieve Mental and Emotional Distress

  • Boost Physical Healing

  • Release of Negative Energy

  • Increased Sense of Calm

Benefits of energy and chakra clearing may include:

  • Release Blocked Energies

  • Create Harmony of Mind, Body and Spirit

  • Nurture Physical & Emotional Well-Being

  • Improved Physical Health

  • Increased Emotional Stability

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity

Distance Healing ServiceS


3-30 Minute Sessions $222

3-1 Hour Sessions       $300

Individual Sessions:

30 Minute Session   $88 

1 Hour Session         $125

How it works:

I remotely tune into your body and scan the 7 etheric layers around your body, which also link to your Chakra system, to find and repaired your aura as well as balance your Chakras. Based what I “see” while exploring your Chakras and aura, I send a summary of the session via email that includes a diagram of your body’s Chakra reading before and after the session. This summary will cover what I found, what I cleared and what I sense intuitively might need further healing or explored. In addition, teach my clients to tune-in themselves to check their own Chakra system so they may feel empowered to stay in-tune and make the shifts needed daily to stay in-balance.


3-30 Minute Sessions $222

3-1 Hour Sessions       $300

Individual Sessions:

30 Minute Session   $88 

1 Hour Session         $125

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